Kamba 750 Herbicide – 5L


Kamba 750 Herbicide is for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in turf, winter cereals, pastures (including plantain pastures), conservation tillage, sugar cane, rice and non-crop areas. Kamba 750 contains a 750 g/L Dual Salt Technology dicamba formulation with proven crop safety.

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Kamba 750 Herbicide – 5L

Active Ingredient: Dicamba @ 750g/L (As the Dimethylamine and Monomethylamine Salt)

Kamba 750 Herbicide is for the control of certain broadleaf weeds in turf, winter cereals, pastures (including plantain pastures), conservation tillage, sugar cane, rice and non-crop areas. Kamba 750 contains a 750 g/L Dual Salt Technology dicamba formulation with proven crop safety. compatible with a range of herbicides including Amicide Advance 700 and the Weedmaster range.

Kamba 750 Herbicide provides exceptional performance on hard-to-kill weeds.

What weeds does Kamba 750 Herbicide target in turf;

Bindy-EyeCreeping OxalisFumitoryPeppercressSwine cress
CapeweedCudweedsJo-Jo (Onehunga)Purple – TopToad rush
CatsearDandelionLamb’s tongueRed flowered mallowTrefoil
ChickweedDockMedicsScarlet pimpernelWireweed
CloverFat henPearlwortSorrelYarrow
CotulaFleabanePennyworthStagger weed

What weeds does Kamba 750 Herbicide target in certain cereal crops, grass pastures, non-crop situations, woody species, fallow and other certain other situations;

Afghan thistleCharlockHorehoundRadishStinking mayweed (Foetid Chamomile)
Amaranthus (Redshank)ChickweedIllyrian thistleRagwortSunflower
Angled onion weed (Three-cornered garlic)CleomeKhaki weedRedroot amaranthSuppression of Patersons curse
Annual ragweedClimbing buckwheat (Black bindweed)Mimosa (Mimosa pigra)Rubber VineTar vine
Apple of PeruCloverMintweedRumex spp, including Curled and Broadleaf docksTares
Artichoke thistleCobbler’s pegsMist FlowerRussian knapweedThickhead
Bathurst burrCommon sow thistleMustardsSaffron thistleThickhead
BellvineConvolvulusNative amaranthScotch (Cotton or Woolly) thistleThornapple (Datura)
Black (Giant) pigweedCotton (Woolly or True scotch) thistleNaturally regenerated pinesSeedling docksTree hogweed
Black nightshadeCreeping knotweedNew Zealand spinachSensitive PlantTurnip weed (Rapistrum rugosum)
Black or Spear thistleDead NettleNoogoora burrSida-retusaVariegated (or spotted) thistle
Blackberry nightshadeDocksOx-Eye daisySkeleton weedVetch
Bladder campionDouble gee (Three-cornered Jack, Spiny emex)Parthenium weedSlender ice-plantVolunteer peas
Blue heliotropeFat henPaterson’s curseSlender thistleWard’s weed
Burr ragweedField bindweedPerennial gooseberrySmartweed (Water pepper)Wild (Field or Crow) garlic
California (Perennial or Canada) thistleGalvanised burrPerennial ragweedSoldier thistleWild radish
CalopoGreen amaranthPigweedSorrelWild turnip (Brassica tournefortii)
Caltrop (Yellow vine)Ground cherryPinkburrSow thistleWireweed (Hogweed)
CapeweedHexham scent (Melilotus)Poverty weedStar thistleYellow vine (Caltrop)
CentroHoary CressPrairie ground cherryStemless thistle

Kamba 750 Herbicide features proven crop safety and is registered to be applied over wheat, oats, barley, triticale and rye.It is also ideal for use in fallow, with Dual Salt Technology-enabling superior compatibility (compared with single sodium salt dicamba products) when mixed with glyphosates, such as Weedmaster DST and a range of other knockdown herbicides.

The herbicide is also suitable for a range of other crop situations such as rice, pre-plant in forestry and pastures.  Nufarm Kamba 750 Selective Herbicide is a member of the Benzoic acid group of herbicides. The product disrupts plant cell growth which causes a plant auxin imbalance ultimately causing plant death.

Pack Sizes: 5L

Registrant: Nufarm Australia Limited (APVMA #: 69302)

Additional information

Weight5 kg


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