MegaMin Extra Magnesium SWEET – 20Kg


Megamin Extra Magnesium sweet is a high magnesium mineral supplement for livestock grazing lush green feed and winter cereals


MegaMin Extra Magnesium SWEET – 20Kg

Megamin Extra Magnesium sweet is a high magnesium mineral supplement for livestock grazing lush green feed and winter cereals

MegaMin Extra Magnesium provides natural broad spectrum macro and trace minerals, plus additional magnesium to supply stock grazing forages and winter cereals with key nutrients that are often lacking in these green feeds. Supplementing livestock with magnesium can assist mineral uptake and help reduce risks associated with magnesium deficiency such as grass tetany or milk fever.

MegaMin Extra Magnesium SWEET contain a range of attractants to overcome the unpalatable nature of magnesium and enhance intake.

Can assist meat quality during high stress periods.

Suitable for use during pre-calving, lambing and weaning.

Assists magnesium uptake and benefits livestock scouring on green feed.

Helps reduce risks associated with magnesium deficiency such as grass tetany and milk fever.

When to feed

Stock grazing lush green pastures, ryegrass, oats, winter cereals, and magnesium/calcium-deficient country

Pre-joining, pre-calving/lambing/kidding, lactating livestock and weaning

Stock at risk of scouring, grass tetany, milk fever, etc.

Supplementation Feeding Guide

Recommended daily intake is 20-40g/100kg body weight/day

Feed Rate (g/day)
Cattle (400kg) 100-200
Sheep (50kg) 10-20
Horses 30-80

Consumption Management

Livestock may be prone to consume greater levels of product at the beginning of a supplementation program, usually due to cravings for a particular mineral or protein that the mix provides. Download the guide to evaluate consumption rates and tips to manage consumption levels.

Commence feeding at higher intake levels 2-3 weeks prior to periods of high risk for grass tetany. Use in conjunction with other grass tetany management strategies. Initial consumption rates may be higher due to salt or mineral cravings.

To learn more about Ag Solutions or to view all products available in their range click here.

Additional information

Weight 20 kg


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