MegaMin 10% Protein Meal – 20Kg
MegaMin 10% Protein Meal provides the benefits of natural broad spectrum macro and trace minerals, plus 10% copra meal as a palatable protein source to assist intake.
Minerals are essential for growth, health and fertility, and because dry feed and even green fodder can often lack minerals, clinical and sub-clinical mineral deficiencies can restrict livestock performance. Providing adequate minerals year round can provide real improvement in stock performance and profitability.
When to Feed
Supplementation Feeding Guide
Recommended daily intake is10-20g/100kg body weight/day
Feed Rate (g/day) | |
Cattle (400kg) | 40-100 |
Sheep (50kg) | 5-10 |
Horses | 30-80 |
Consumption Management
Livestock may be prone to consume greater levels of product at the beginning of a supplementation program, usually due to cravings for a particular mineral or protein that the mix provides. Download the guide to evaluate consumption rates and tips to manage consumption levels.
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