Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide


Kendon Lime Sulphur Fungicide/Insecticideย is for the control of certain diseases, insects and mites on pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus, grapes, roses, hedges & vegetables.

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Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide

Active Ingredient:ย Sulphur (present as Polysulfide Sulphur) @ย  200g/L

Kendon Lime Sulphur Fungicide/Insecticideย is for the control of certain diseases, insects and mites on pome fruit, stone fruit, citrus, grapes, roses, hedges & vegetables.

Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide kills pests and diseases through direct contact. It also produces sulphur vapours that can kill pests from a distance. The sulphur vapours are also effective at killing powdery mildew spores, which can be difficult to control with other methods. Lime Sulphur is applied as a foliar spray.

What crops can Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide be used on;

  • Citrus โ€“ Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Mandarins etc.
  • Grapes
  • Pome Fruit & Apples
  • Pears
  • Stone Fruit โ€“ Peaches, Nectarines, Prunes, Plums, Apricots & Almonds
  • Roses & Hedges
  • Vegetables, including tomatoes.

What pests and diseases does Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide target;

Blackspot (Scab) Frosted Scale Shot Hole
Blossom Blight Leaf Curl Tomato Mite
Brown Rot Maori Mite Two Spotted Mite
Bud Mite Powdery Mildew Vine Bunch Mite
Byrobia Mite Rust White Louse Scale
Erinose Mite Rust Mite
Freckle San Jose Scale

Kendon Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide contains lime sulphur at 200g/L. Lime sulphur is considered a good fungicide and insecticide for several reasons:

  • Broad-spectrum control:ย Lime sulphur has a broad spectrum of activity, which is effective against a wide range of fungal diseases and insects. It can control diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, rust, and certain mites and insects.
  • Contact action:ย Lime sulphur acts upon contact with pests and pathogens. When applied to plant surfaces, it forms a thin protective coating that suffocates and kills insects and mites. It also has fungicidal properties that help control fungal spores and mycelium.
  • Low resistance development:ย Pests and diseases can develop resistance to certain chemicals over time, rendering them ineffective. Lime sulphur has a lower likelihood of resistance development than other pesticides, making it a valuable tool in integrated pest management (IPM) programs.
  • Safety and environmental considerations:ย Lime sulphur is relatively low in toxicity to humans and animals when used according to the recommended instructions. It breaks down quickly in the environment, reducing the risk of long-term accumulation. However, it is still important to follow safety precautions and use protective equipment when handling and applying any pesticide.
  • Dormant spray:ย Lime sulphur is commonly used as a dormant spray, applied during the dormant season to control overwintering pests and diseases. It helps prevent the spread of fungal spores and eliminates the overwintering stages of insects and mites. This timing is particularly beneficial for certain fruit trees and ornamental plants.

Lime Sulphur Fungicide & Insecticide is a safe, effective, and affordable option for controlling pests and diseases in gardens. It is a good choice for organic gardeners and those who are concerned about the environmental impact of pesticides.

Pack Sizes:ย 500mL, 5-Litre & 20-Litre

Registrant:ย Kendon Plant Care Pty Ltdย (APVMA #: 53131)

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

500ml, 5 Litre, 20 Litre


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