
Baycox for Piglets and Cattle

(1 customer review)


Baycox for Piglets and Cattle is for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in cattle up to 9 months caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii.


Baycox for Piglets and Cattle

Baycox for Piglets and Cattle is for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in cattle up to 9 months caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii. Coccidiosis typically occurs in cattle less than a year old causing diarrhoea which is often blood stained. Recently weaned calves are particularly susceptible to outbreaks of clinical disease. One dose is effective because it attacks all stages of the parasite in the animal.

Metaphylactic treatment of cattle & Piglets as soon as clinical signs of disease are seen will reduce the impact of an outbreak by preventing further intestinal damage in affected animals. This treatment approach will also prevent non affected animals from developing diarrhoea. To obtain maximum benefit on farms with a history of coccidiosis, the product needs to be given approximately 1 week prior to the expected onset of clinical signs. Treatment of newly weaned calves at the time of meal withdrawal will control coccidiosis associated with weaning.

Product Benefits:
• Convenient single oral dose for easy administration – follow up treatment is usually not necessary
• Kills all coccidia development stages
• Long acting to suppress oocyst excretion over 42 days
• Efficacy is independant of the severity of the infection
• Does not impair natural immunity development
• Both curative and preventative to ensure production of high value replacements

Directions for Use: Before using this product, obtain a veterinary diagnosis for diarrhoea.

Dosage: Give by mouth. Ensure the applicator is delivering a full dose before starting treatment. The applicator should be set to deliver a full dose per stroke.

Piglets: 1mL per piglet at the age of 3 to 6 days has been found to yield excellent results.

Treat at 3 – 6 days old at the onset of coccidial diarrhoea. Treat all piglets in infected litters and all infected and ‘at risk’ litters in the farrowing house.

Cattle: 3mL per 10kg bodyweight.

In the case of history of coccidiosis on farm, treat 1 week before expected onset of clinical signs. For prevention of coccidiosis in recently weaned calves, treat at weaning time when milk feeding ceases. Otherwise treat at the onset of diagnosed clinical signs.

Withholding Periods

MEAT (Pigs) – DO NOT USE less than 70 days before slaughter for human consumption.
MEAT (Cattle) – DO NOT USE less than 56 days before slaughter for human consumption.
MILK (Cattle) – DO NOT USE in lactating or pregnant cows where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption
EXPORT SLAUGHTER INTERVAL (ESI) (Cattle): DO NOT slaughter for export for 75 days after last treatment.

Active Constituents
50mg/mL Toltrazuril

Directions for Use:

  • Before using this product, obtain a veterinary diagnosis for diarrhoea.


  • Give by mouth (orally).
  • Ensure the applicator is delivering a full dose before starting treatment.
  • The applicator should be set to deliver a full dose per stroke.

Piglets: 1mL. Treat at 3 – 6 days old at the onset of coccidial diarrhoea. Treat all piglets in infected litters and all infected and ‘at risk’ litters in the farrowing house.

Cattle: 3mL per 10kg body weight. In the case of a history of coccidiosis on the farm, treat 1 week before the expected onset of clinical signs. For prevention of coccidiosis in recently weaned calves, treat at weaning time when milk feeding ceases. Otherwise, treat at the onset of diagnosed clinical signs.

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Baycox Coccidiocide for Pigs & Cattle Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

To learn more about Bayer or to view all products available in their range click here.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

250ml, 1 Litre

1 review for Baycox for Piglets and Cattle

  1. Nate Kellock

    Its aggressive but it works, if you have received a positive test for coccidia or “Coxie” you want to have this on hand. Typically on needed with younger animals.

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