
Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On For Cattle


Ivomec Eprinex Pour-on For Beef And Dairy Cattle is for the treatment and control of internal and external parasites of beef and dairy cattle and internal parasites of deer.

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Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On for Beef and Dairy Cattle

Ivomec Eprinex Pour-on For Beef And Dairy Cattle is for the treatment and control of internal and external parasites of beef and dairy cattle and internal parasites of deer.

Active Ingredient: Eprinomectin 5mg/mL

Ivomec Eprinex Pour-on For Beef And Dairy Cattle provides persistent activity against many species of cattle worms.  This gives you the power to provide the best possible coverage against all the important gastrointestinal parasites that can affect the health and performance of your herd.

Whether you’re a beef or dairy producer, parasites are out there waiting to literally suck out your profitability by negatively impacting the immune system and reducing appetite and nutritional efficiency.  While young calves and replacement heifers are most susceptible, adult animals are more vulnerable than you might think – even those not on pasture. And that can have big implications for dairy and beef producers. It’s important to have a deworming strategy in place – one that includes Eprinex.

Parasites Lead to:

  • Reduced weaning weights.
  • Lower conception rates.
  • Decreased milk production

Ivomec Eprinex Pour-on Pays for Itself:
Strategic deworming with Eprinex is far less expensive than the feed that is wasted to these profit-robbing parasites or the losses associated with lower carcass values and reduced milk production.

Broad-Spectrum Parasite Control:

Gastrointestinal Roundworms

For the control of adult and immature:

  • Ostertagia spp.
  • Ostertagia ostertagi (including inhibited L4) -small brown stomach worm
  • O.lyrata – brown stomach worm (adults only)
  • Haemonchus placei – barbers pole worm
  • Trichostrongylus spp.
  • Trichostrongylus axei – stomach hair worm
  • T.colubriformis – intestinal hair worm
  • Cooperia spp. (including inhibited L4) – small intestinal worm
    • C. oncophora
    • C. pectinata
    • C. punctata
    • C. surnabada
  • Oesophagostomum spp.
  • Oesophagostomum radiatum – nodule worm
  • Nematodirus helvetianus – thin necked intestinal worm
  • Bunostomum phlebotomum – hookworm
  • Trichuris spp. – whip worm (adults only)


  • Adult and immature Dictyocaulus viviparus

Sucking and Biting Lice

  • Linognathus vituli
  • Haematopinus eurysternus
  • Bovicola (Damalinia) bovis
  • Solenopotes capillatus


  • Chorioptes bovis
  • Sarcoptes scabiei var bovis

Buffalo Fly

  • Haematobia irritans exigua

Cattle Tick

  • Boophilus microplus – aids in control.

Eprinomectin Potency:

Eprinomectin is the most potent endectocide identified to date. Because it is more potent, eprinomectin continues to kill worms at lower concentrations. Eprinomectin also reaches higher blood concentrations than other endectocide pour-ons, and it does so more rapidly. This enables Eprinex to kill more species of worms for longer than any other endectocide pour-on available.

Persistent Activity in Cattle:

Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On has a wide range of persistent activity, and kills more species of worms for longer than any other pour-on available when  applied at the recommended dosage of 1mL per 10kg liveweight.

  • Ostertagia spp. – Up to 28 days
  • Cooperia spp. – Up to 28 days
  • Dictyocaulus viviparus – 28 days
  • Nematodirus helvetianus – Up to 28 days
  • Oesophagostomum radiatum – 120 days
  • Haemonchus placei – 21 days
  • Trichostrongylus spp. – 21 days

Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On Pack Sizes: 1L, 2.5L, 5L & 20L.

The 1L pack size features the flexible ‘Magicap’ dispenser that eliminates the need for a drench gun.

Registrant: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd. (APVMA #:49105)


Dose Rate:  1mL for each 10kg of liveweight.

Bodyweight Dose Volume Doses Per Pack
(kg) (mL) 1L 2.5L 5L 15L 20L 22.5L
31 – 40 4 250 625 1250 3750 5000 5625
41 – 50 5 200 500 1000 3000 4000 4500
51 – 60 6 167 417 833 2500 3332 3749
61 – 70 7 143 357 714 2142 2856 3213
71 – 80 8 125 313 625 1875 2500 2813
81 – 90 9 111 278 555 1666 2220 2498
91 – 100 10 100 250 500 1500 2000 2250
101 – 125 12.5 80 200 400 1200 1600 1800
126 – 150 15 67 167 333 1000 1332 1499
151 – 175 17.5 57 143 285 857 1140 1283
176 – 200 20 50 125 250 750 1000 1125
201 – 250 25 40 100 200 600 800 900
251 – 300 30 33 83 166 500 664 747
301 – 350 35 28 71 142 428 568 639
351 – 400 40 25 63 125 375 500 563
401 – 450 45 22 56 111 333 444 500
451 – 500 50 20 50 100 300 400 450
501 – 550 55 18 45 90 272 360 405
551 – 600 60 17 42 83 250 332 374
601 – 650 65 15 38 76 230 304 342

Rates Are a General Guide Only. Before Opening, Carefully Read Ivomec Eprinex Pour-on For Beef And Dairy Cattle Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions.

To learn more about Boehringer-Ingelheim or to view all products available in their range click here.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1 Litre, 2.5 Litre, 20 Litre


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