Bromakil Power Block For Rats And Mice


Bromakil Power Block For Rats And Mice Baitsย are weatherproof, ready to use block bait for the control of rats and mice, including those resistant to other anticoagulants.

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Bromakil Power Block For Rats And Mice

Active Ingredient:ย Bromadiolone @ 0.05g/kg

What are Bromakil Power Block Baits;

  • A weatherproof, ready to use block bait for the control of rats and mice, including those resistant to other anticoagulants.
  • Suitable for use in and around domestic, commercial, public services and industrial buildings.
  • Made of highly palatable cracked grain for rats & mice.
  • Contain human taste deterrent which prevents accidental consumption by children.
  • Formulated for use in damp and external areas.
  • Can be secured by nailing through the centre hole of the block or easily secured in a bait station.

Rats and mice are the most serious mammalian pests ever known.ย  Their opportunist lifestyle, intelligence, agility, omnivorous diet and prolific breeding potential are a constant threat to Australian farmers and householders. Rats and mice must be controlled as they cause serious damage to property, crops and are a significant health risk.

Where can Bromakil Power Block Bait for Rats and Mice be used;

  • Commercial & Industrial Premises.
  • Domestic and or Public Areas.
  • Food Preparation and or Storage Areas.
  • Hotels and or Motels.
  • Industrial and or domestic premises.
  • Laundries (industrial & domestic)
  • Roof voids.
  • Ships.
  • Under floorboards.
  • Wall voids.

What baiting strategy should be used for Bromakil Power Block For Rats And Mice;

  • Eliminate as far as practicable, all alternative food sources.
  • Bait infested area.
  • Place baits undercover.
  • Inspect baits daily.
  • Replace eaten baits.
  • If eaten quickly, increase the number of baits.
  • Continue observation and replenishment until no more baits are taken.
  • Baiting for 2 weeks is necessary to reduce rat/mouse numbers.

Tips for using Bromakil Power Block For Rats And Mice

  • Try not to touch the bait as this may deter rats and mice from eating it.
  • Please use gloves.
  • Usually, rats and mice die within 3 to 5 days after eating the bait.
  • If reinfestation should occur, you can repeat the treatment once. For further treatments, it is strongly advised to alternate with a product containing a different active ingredient to avoid the development of genetic resistance.
  • Bromakil Blocks are particularly useful in areas where baits deteriorate rapidly, such as damp areas, sub-floors, roof voids and wall cavities.
  • The hole in the centre of the block will allow pinning or tying off the ground in very moist areas, or where rodents are climbing.
  • The blocks may be used in conjunction with grain bait treatments.

Bromakil Power Block Pack Sizes & approx blocks per pack:

  • 1kg (50 x 20gm blocks)
  • 2.4kg (120 x 20gm blocks)
  • 7.5kg (375 x 20gm blocks)

Registrant:ย De Sangosse Australiaย Pty Ltd (APVMA #: 80388)

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1Kg, 2.4Kg, 7.5Kg


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