Hepato Liq – Liver and Kidney detox


Cavalor Hepato Liq supports liver function after heavy stressing of the liver, for example during competition season. Or during periods where the liver is under extra demand, for example when the horse is shedding


Hepato Liq – Liver and Kidney detox

Cavalor Hepato Liq supports liver function after heavy stressing of the liver, for example during competition season. Or during periods where the liver is under extra demand, for example when the horse is shedding

Key Features

  • Cavalor Hepato Liq aids in detoxification of the liver and kidneys in the horse after stressful periods such as competing
  • Aids in shedding during seasonal changes
  • Naturally driven by ingredients such as Dandelion, Milk Thistle and Artichoke

The liver plays an important role in a horse’s metabolism. It is in fact a chemical factory responsible for several important functions, the most important of which is detoxification. In addition, the liver plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

On top of this there is also the production and excretion of bile (horses do not have a gallbladder), the storage of glucose, trace elements and vitamins, etc. Kidneys, together with the liver, ensure the efficient elimination of waste products. To maintain optimal functioning, after a season in which the liver and kidneys have worked hard it is recommended to purify them with Cavalor Hepato Liq

Your horse has to cope with a lot, especially during the competition season. When it trains hard and is competing, its body produces a lot of waste products. By supporting the liver and kidneys to assist with waste breakdown, your horse can better process these substances. A course of Hepato Liq will purify the organs that drive this entire process and stimulate their functioning. It is, as it were, a real detox. Not only does your horse recover from a long competition season, you also get it ready for the coming season

To learn more about Cavalor Equicare or to view all products available in their range click here.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

250ml, 2 Litre


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