Hygain Bonafide


Same trusted and proven Mitavite in a new look โ€“ exclusive to Mitavite and Hygain!

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Hygain Bonafide

Same trusted and proven Mitavite in a new look โ€“ exclusive to Mitavite and Hygain!

Bonafideย contains Quinaquanone, a patented, water soluble and bioavailable form of Vitamin K1 and K2.
Vitamin K1 & K2 have a critical effect on the function of osteocalcin, the bone protein that binds the mineral and protein in the bone together. Without sufficient Vitamin K the binding process is incomplete and low density or defective bone and cartilage are produced.

Vitamin K1 & K2 are naturally available in fresh, growing, green pasture but they are highly unstable, being degraded by UV light, wilting or ‘wintering off’.โ€จ Horses that do not have constant access to high quality pasture are likely to be deficient in Vitamin K, leading to a reduction in bone density and strength.

Horses removed from Vitamin K rich pasture and brought into a box/yard regime have demonstrated a reduction in bone density within 7-10 days.

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS. EACH 10G CONTAINS:ย Quinaquanone (Vitamins K1 & K2) 7mgโ€จย Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 8,000 IU
INACTIVE INGREDIENTS.ย EACH 10G CONTAINS:ย  Sucrose Microfine 9.33 gโ€จย Corn Starch 0.49 g

Feed:ย Recommended rates as below per day with food.

โ€จโ€จLarge end level scoop holds 10g; small end level scoop holds 3g.
Horses stabled or with diminished access to pasture:ย ย 10g per 500kg bodyweight per day.
Foals & Weanlings:ย 10g per 200kg bodyweight per day.
Yearlings & 2 year olds:ย 10g per 400kg bodyweight per day.
Pregnant & Lactating Mares:ย 10g per 500kg bodyweight per day.

PACK WEIGHT:ย 3kg; 12kg

Proudly Australian Made.

To learn more about Hygain or to view all products available in their range click here.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1.2Kg, 3Kg, 12Kg


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