i Series Fence Monitor
I Series Fence Monitor, Create fence zones and monitor fence performance out on the farm.
When your fence falls below a set voltage level, an alarm is sent to the Energizer Controller.
Information from your Fence Monitor can now be sent straight to your phone. Simply connect your i Series Energizer to a WiFi Gateway, sync the Ag Devcies App and data will be sent straight to your pocket.
Download the App from App Store or Google Play.
Warranty:Â 3 years
- Use across your property to monitor fence voltage and current at up to six different locations (zones)
- Identifies when any zone has a fault and reports back alarms and fence condition to Energizer and Controller
- Locate fault zones quickly and use the Remote/Fault Finder to pinpoint the problem
- Compatible with the i Series range of Fence Energizer Systems
To learn more about Gallagher or to view all products available in their range click here.
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